Application Form for ENABLE Award 2014

The Enable project is celebrating and rewarding the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to support lifelong learning by disabled adults in order to overcome barriers and increase opportunities. The project involves 16 partners from 14 countries worldwide - networking, collecting, analysing and sharing information.

There will be three Enable Awards in 2014, one in each of the following categories:

A.   Disabled person using ICT to support disabled adult learners (prize to be announced).

B.   Teacher who uses ICT in innovative ways to support disabled adult learners (prize to be announced).

C.   Developer of new ICT to support disabled adult learners. (Prize is a conference place at ALT-C 2014 sponsored by ALT Inclusive Learning SIG )


Please answer the 14 questions below and send the form to by 31 March 2014. You may self-nominate or you may nominate someone else.

1.    Your name and email address (only needed if nominating someone else):

2.    Firstname of nominee:

3.    Surname of nominee:

4.    Sex of nominee:

5.    Country:

6.    Postal address of nominee:

7.    Telephone number of nominee (please include country code):

8.    e-mail of nominee:

Please answer questions 9 through 14 on a single side of A4 (500 words or less)

  1. Which category is the nomination for: A, B or C?
  2. What are the educational ICT tools being used or developed (provide a URL if appropriate)?
  3. Briefly describe these tools or technologies.
  4. How and with whom are the tools or technologies being used?
  5. What is innovative about the way the tools or technologies are being used for the benefit of people with disabilities?
  6. Are the tools and technologies transferrable? For instance, can they be used in other countries or are they available in other languages?



Honourable Patron of the Enable Award - Professor Jerzy Buzek, Former President of the European Parliament.

picture of ENABLE logoNetwork of ICT supported Learning for Disabled Peoplepicture of Life Learning Programme Logo

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein